[SGVLUG] Re: Yes Solomon! U can B our Nxt speaker

Solomon K. Chang skevin521 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 4 14:28:12 PDT 2006

No, don't worry, it's not too short notice at all if I'm going to repeat 85% of my last
talk. :)  There're two things I do expect from SGVLUG, though:

My topic focuses strictly on a Linux platform.  People are welcome to SSH as root to my
virtual master and slaves - people who do should know bash.  I would rather not field
questions about navigating around the shell, but I probably shouldn't have to worry
about it since this is a LUG, not a MSWUG. :)
I expect people to know the basic MySQL CLI, as well as some fundamental SQL syntax. 
Knowing some of the parameters of my.cnf would be nice too, but I'll back up and
explain if people have never touched this file before.

Caveat for being Root: I always assume people are here to learn and have the best
interests of the group at heart.  If you screw up anything, I will assume it was an
honest mistake, even though it will cause a definite delay (few minutes) while I
re-image the Master.  Yes, I could have just set up a ton of chroot jails, but I really
want to give my hands-on listeners an environment where they have complete control as
SysAdmins, albeit with the requirement of having to cooperate with other SysAdmins. :)

My notes and slides will be available on the MySQL Master via port 80: anyone with a
laptop can just go there with a web browser and move back and forth if they've missed a
slide or want to see what's next.  The default home page contains instructions for
setting up your machine as a slave to my master.  If you don't have MySQL running
locally, you can always SSH to my slaves.

On top of that, always have fun.  Thanks.

Solomon Chang
Database Administrator

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